Observasem eu ca austriecii sunt cam frustrati de faptul ca reprezentantii mai ignoranti ai rasei umane incurca deseori Austria cu Australia. E, de fapt, si o industrie intreaga – acelasi slogan il vezi in diferite interpretari, pe magnete, pe tricouri, brelocuri, etc. Un exemplu gasit rapid pe internet – cam asa arata un butic obisnuit prin Viena:
Ei, am zis, da sa vad ce zic cei ce sunt obligati sa iti zambeasca chiar daca vad, ca esti retardat sau chiar iritant – cei din sfera serviciilor. S-a intamplat asta cam vreo jumate de an in urma. Am luat si am scris acelasi email la mai multe hotele de prin Viena. Corpul mailului e redat mai jos:
I intend to spend Christmas in Austria and would like to book a double room in your hotel. I am planning to stay in Vienna for one week (seven nights), however will be travelling around. Could you please let me know the price for a double room for this period?
Also we will be travelling around Austria and would welcome any advice on the places to see. It would be most interesting to go around the deserts and seasides and normally the Kangaroos, which are one of the number one associations with your fine country!
Thank you in advance for your kind answer,
Dumitru Alaiba.
Raspunsurile pe care le primeam timp de urmatoarele 24 ore, erau pur si simplu delicioase :).
Dear Mr. Alaiba!
If you like to come to austria and stay in our hotel we would be pleased to welcome you.
But if you like to see kangaroos and deserts you have to travel a few thousand miles more, then you are in australia (kontinent).
Austria = Europe (next to germany, italy, hungary,..)
Australia = not in europe (big island far away from europe)
Best regards
Dear Mr. Alaiba,
thank you for your email.
I think you mean Australia when you write of kangaroos and deserts. We are in Austria – the little, lovely country in Europe. We do not have kangoroos, deserts or a seaside, but Vienna is a beautiful city to spend the holidays. And the sourroundings are beautiful too – with a lot auf mountains and breathtaking scenery.
Please let us know if you are interested to come to Austria and which date you would be interested to stay in Vienna and we will send you an offer.
Best regards from Austria, Vienna
Dear Mr. Alaiba,
I think there is a littel mistake Vienna is in Austria not in Australia.
Alltought we can offer you the room but we need the date of arrivial and departure.
For any questions we will be glad to assist you.
Kind regards!
Dear Alaiba,
Thank you very much for your inquiry and your interest shown in the
Grand Hotel Wien.
In order to offer any rates I do need the exact dates due to our rates
can change daily.
Concerning the supporting program I think you interchange the countries
Austria and Australia – we do have any deserts or Kangaroos around.
Kind regards,
Dear Sir,
thank you for your kind E-Mail.
Before sending you an offer for your inquiry I would kindly let you know that the atraction – deserts and seasides and normally the Kangaroos – are in Australia.
Austria can offer you Mountains, snow and history.
Plese confirm that you have planed to visit Austria in Europe and not Australia.
Wishing you a nice day we beg to remain
With kind regards from Vienna, Austria (Europe)
Dear Mr Dumitru Alaiba
Thank you for your email.
We are sorry, but please check if you really like to stay with us.
In Austria there are no kangaroos, there is no sea and no desert.
Please get back to us if you really like to stay in Vienna and not in Australia.
Kind regards